Product FAQ & Suggested Dosage Guide

Not sure which product is right for you, your pet or horse?

Use this guide to help answer most common questions about products and jump to QUICK suggested dosages by selecting the following categories PEOPLE, PET OR HORSE. Understanding typical dosages first will best help you determine what MG strength to choose.

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Rest assured that Rocky Mtn Girls products are crafted with intentional high quality hemp strains organically grown for human consumption, third party lab guaranteed free of pesticides, molds, heavy metals, and solvents. Always made in small batches labeled with best purchase by dates and product ID, ensuring rich broad and full spectrum phytonutrients from the hemp flower extracted through gentle cold pressed/CO2/ethanol is bright in each tincture, infused cubes for horses and topicals.
Certificates of Analysis

Broad or Full Spectrum?

First you will want to decide if you prefer to start with Broad or Full Spectrum, read this simple article explaining the difference between broad and full spectrum CBD if you are unsure.  There are benefits to both!

SHOP Broad Spectrum Tinctures

SHOP Full Spectrum Tinctures

 Do I need a tincture, a topical or both?

We recommend both! Ingesting CBD offers potential effects systemically. CBD tincture oils are commonly used sublingually (shoot for holding under tongue for 60 seconds), allowing for faster effects as CBD is absorbed quickly into the blood stream and benefits may last up to 2 hours, then swallow and the digestion through the liver allows for longer benefits of 6 hours or more.  Topical is localized and targets sore muscles, aches and pains. Providing your body with both is the best approach, and may bring the most benefit to targeted areas while you are supporting your ECS, which is working throughout the body.

SHOP Full Spectrum Topicals

Which strength should I start with?

Rocky Mtn Girls have specifically priced all CBD tinctures ranging from 500 MG up to 2000 MG CBD tinctures at an affordable $45 each and MTNMN Focus 2000 MG Cannabinoid Blend is $65. You will save money with higher MG tinctures (The CBD is more concentrated as the MG increases). Each tincture has its own unique flavor…Try them all, even mix dosages to create a new flavor at home! All of the tinctures are hand crafted with ultra-high-quality CBD! Each person and animal may respond differently to CBD, we recommend starting low in MG strength and INCREASING the dosage to the desired results for you!

Understanding typical CBD dosages for people, pets & horses will help you choose which strength is best!

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Reach out, we are happy to help you decide which CBD product to start with!

We always recommend staying current on the most recent published reports and unfolding potential in the properties of the hemp plant. High quality products continue to speak for themselves, and best results are experienced when taken consistently for at least 30 days and be attune to finding the best daily dosages for you, your pet or horse in each season and unique health situation. 

The following list is compiled from Rocky Mtn Girl’s personal and customer experiences over the many years collectively sharing in positive results and may help you as well:

*May help with: Alopecia, anxiety, arthritis, Crohn’s, Cushing’s, clarity & focus, depression, IB, inflammation, insomnia, injury & performance recovery, menstrual cramps & fertility health, lameness in horses, migraines, pain, soreness, shingles, shrinking of tumors + healthy tissue under ruptures & removals, digestive, metabolic, & skin disorders and more.

The benefits of an Endocannabinoid System functioning optimally supports and promotes overall health and wellness and a normal state of being. The ECS’s job is to bring homeostasis within the body. Cannabinoids are a superfood, giving your ECS a boost through activating its receptors, therefore promoting natural healing without harm.

Our Story

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Rocky Mtn Girls Hemp products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.⚠️ Must be 21 years of age or older to purchase any ingestible full-spectrum hemp product in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming. * Products do not ship to California intended for livestock


We, Dawn & Misty, Co-Founders of Rocky Mtn Girls, declare a statement of faith in God and are followers of Jesus Christ.  We have found the true benefits of  phytocannabinoid support of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). We also believe God made the ECS for the healing and well being of our natural body.  No one person or thing is the end all be all for healing except Jesus Christ, for by His stripes and His blood we are healed, spirit, soul & body. -Isaiah 53; 1 Peter 2:24; John 3
Love well, Dawn and Misty